Graduate-Diploma-of-managment (1)

Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

CRICOS Course Code: 115194G

About This Course

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply highly specialised knowledge and skills in the field of organisational learning and capability development. Individuals in these roles generate and evaluate complex ideas. They also initiate, design and execute major learning and development functions within an organisation. Typically, they would have full responsibility and accountability for the personal output and work of others. This qualification may apply to leaders and managers in an organisation where learning is used to build organisational capability. The job roles that relate to this qualification may also include RTO Manager and RTO Director.

Please refer the following link for the further information:

Entry Requirements

Nil (this qualification does not have mandatory entry requirements at the time of publication on

The BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) allows direct entry into this qualification at the time of publication in However, the RTO requires candidates to meet its admission requirements prior to enrolling into this qualification to ensure that they have the required skills and knowledge to successfully complete the qualification at this AQF level. This consists of:
  • Diploma or advanced diploma qualification completed in any sector
  • Minimum age of 18 years and above
  • Satisfactory completion of the equivalent of Australian Year 11 or higher
  • English requirement:
IELTS (General or Academic) overall PTE Academic TOEFL PB TOEFL IBT CAE Scale ELICOS (General English)
6.0 55 546 78 169 n/a
5.5 46 506 62 162 + 15 weeks
5.0 38 478 51 154 + 30 weeks
4.5 30 450 40 146 + 45 weeks
Note: Results older than two years are not acceptable
Evidence that they have studied in English for at least five years in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom or United States
Evidence that, within two years of their application date, they have successfully completed in Australia a foundation course or a senior secondary certificate of education or successfully completed substantial components (50% or more units according to the training package) Certificate II or higher level qualification, from the Australian Qualifications Framework on a student visa.

Applicants originating from students visa assessment levels 1 and 2 countries without the required IELTS or equivalent score must undertake the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test. For further information on student visa assessment levels visit Department of Home Affairs’ website at

Additionally, the learner is required to:

  • Complete the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test prior to the commencement of the course.


Access & Equity

The principles of access and equity require that vocational education and training is responsive to the individual needs of clients whose age, gender, cultural or ethnic background, disability, sexuality, language skills, literacy or numeracy level, unemployment, imprisonment, or remote location may present a barrier to access, participation and the achievement of suitable outcomes. Equity is a term used to cover issues relating to access to VET, participation in VET, and achievement of outcomes in VET. Equity issues range from providing a supportive learning environment to adjusting assessments to meet individual circumstances, from policies on fee reduction to development of inclusive training materials. Basically, equity refers to the ability to achieve results in training and to receive training in an inclusive environment with inclusive materials. An inclusive environment or set of materials is one that acknowledges and values the differences between people and cultures. It includes rather than excludes.

Marriott Academy is committed to ensuring that all prospective clients are able participate and have the opportunity to build on their potential, make choices and receive responsive and appropriate products and services. Whilst the destination for all learners may be the same (i.e. demonstrating competence to the standard required), the journey may be different. For example, some learners may gain their credential through skills recognition, while others may complete the training before being assessed. Some learners may need more time than others, for example because of their family responsibilities or because they are mature aged learners returning to learning after a long break. Marriott Academy aims to ensure equity by being flexible and responsive and avoiding a ‘one size fits all’ solution to training and assessment.

‘Access’ generally refers to the ability of a student to enter training. Marriott Academy’s commitment to improving access includes improving physical access to the training venues, ensuring that selection criteria do not discriminate against clients, and adapting marketing activities to encourage all Students.

Education Agents

Marriott Academy engages the services of third-party Education Agents in recruiting overseas students. These Agents are bound by the conditions stipulated in a signed agreement with Marriott Academy. Please contact Marriott Academy directly for a full list of Education Agents and/or any further information regarding the recruitment of overseas students.

Training Subsidies and Entitlement Programs

Marriott Academy does not provide students with access to any training subsidies or entitlement programs. Students may access information from the relevant government websites.

Pathways Into Qualification:

  • BSB60420 Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management
  • or
  • BSB60120 Advanced Diploma in Business

Pathways From The Qualification:

Learners who successfully complete this qualification may progress into further studies such as:
  • Master of Management

Career Opportunities:

Graduates may find employment in Hospitality Industry as a:
  • Training Manager
  • RTO Manager
  • Organisational learning and leadership manager
*It is not, however, intended to indicate that an individual will gain immediate employment on completion of this qualification.

Units Information

Total number of units = 8 – (3 core units, plus 5 elective units)

BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans
BSBTEC601 Review organisational digital strategy
BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies

Mode of Delivery

Full time face to face scheduled classes (20 hours per week), simulated workplace and real workplace delivery and assessment.


Assessment may involve a combination of written assignments, project tasks, and practical tasks.


This full course is delivered full time over 52 weeks, which includes 12 weeks for holidays and breaks.

Resources & Facilities

Students will have access to a fully equipped theory classroom with IT facilities.

Fees & Charges

Enrolment application fee: $AUD250.00
Overseas Student Fee: $AUD15,000.00
Materials Fee: $AUD750.00
Once enrolled, these fees will not change for the duration of the student’s enrolment. Fees may, however, change for new intakes, and these will be clearly reflected in all marketing materials and in student enrolment agreements.

Fee Refund Policy

Students may access the Fee Refund Policy from Marriot Academy’s website.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Students may apply for course credits, advanced standing or exemptions if they are able to provide evidence that demonstrates that they have attained competency. Competency may have been attained through formal and informal training, work experience and life experience. Applications must be made on an official Application form. Students should consult with the RTO Manager before making an application.

National Recognition and Credit Transfer

One of the most important features of Australia’s VET Quality Framework is the mutual recognition, between registered training organisations, of qualifications including Statements of Attainment. As a registered training organisation, the RTO must accept the credentials issued by another registered training organisation based in any State/Territory of Australia. Marriott Academy undertakes to ensure that all Certificates and Statements of Attainment issued by any other registered training organisation are, once verified, accepted as valid. Equally, the Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued Marriott Academy will be recognised Australia wide under these arrangements.

Complaints & Appeals

Students may access the Complaints and Appeals policy through Marriott Academy’s website.
Course Code
CRICOS Course Code
VET National Code
Duration 52 weeks
Enrolment application fee: $AUD250.00

Overseas Student Fee: $AUD15,000.00

Materials Fee:
Intake Dates

Material Includes