About Melbourne

About Melbourne

A Multi-Cultural Society

Australia is multicultural and multi-racial, and this is reflected in the country's food, lifestyle and cultural practices and experience. Australia has an important heritage from its First Peoples, which plays a defining role in the cultural landscape. Australia is the most successful multicultural society in the world, uniting a multitude of cultures, experiences, beliefs, and traditions. Australia owes her accomplishments as a nation to the contributions of more than 300 different ancestries, from the First Australians to the newest arrivals.

Take the time to read about Australia’s cultural heritage.

Living in Australia – Accommodation

Finding accommodation is one of the first things you’ll need to do when you move to Australia. There are many options to consider and decisions to make, such as should I rent or buy? Or which suburb should I live in?

Review the information provided here:


Settling into your Accommodation

There can be a lot to do when moving to Australia. During the moving process, organising the connection of utilities, such as gas, electricity and telephone connections, is something that often gets left to the last minute. The best time to connect utilities at your new place is in the final few days before you move in. If you are renting, some utilities may already be connected, check with the landlord.


Getting Around in Australia – Driving

If you have an overseas driver’s licence, you’ll need to obtain an Australian State driver’s licence within three months of arriving in Australia if you want to continue driving here. If you’re a temporary visa holder, you’ll be able to drive on your overseas licence for 12 months.


Using your Mobile Phone in Australia

It is strongly advisable that if you are bringing your own phone from home, then you must contact your provider and enquire about using your mobile phone overseas. You may access information about mobile phone services in Australia from here:


Looking after your Health – Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Overseas students undertaking formal studies in Australia, and their dependents (for example, spouses and children under 18 years old), must obtain OSHC.


OSHC includes cover for visits to the doctor, some hospital treatment, ambulance cover and limited pharmaceuticals (medicines). OSHC insurers can provide a range of different OSHC products. These may range from a basic product which covers only the compulsory minimum services to comprehensive products which cover, in addition to the compulsory minimum services, extra services as specified under the particular policy. Learn more about OSHC, including a list of the providers at www.privatehealth.gov.au/

The Department of Home Affairs requires overseas students to maintain OSHC for the duration of time they are in Australia. For further information please visit the Department of Home Affairs website here. You can access further information about Australia’s healthcare system here:


Banking in Australia

You must contact your banking institution in your home country if you need to access funds from your bank account whilst you are in Australia. You will also need to understand the different currency and Australian banking institutions. You may access some important information here:


Working while you Study in Australia

You are limited to 40 hours of work per fortnight when your course is in session, and unlimited hours in out of session periods. This is to ensure you are mainly focused on your studies. Work conditions for student visa holders can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website.


You may also access some information about working in Australia here:


Staying Safe – 10 Tips to help you stay safe around Melbourne
  1. Plan your trip ahead of time. Carry a public transport timetable and know the time of your last train/tram/bus. Call 1800 800 007 (6am -midnight) or go to Public Transport Victoria for information on timetables, routes and ticketing.
  2. Stand behind the yellow line until your train or tram arrives when waiting for public transport. Stand in well-lit areas. Make yourself aware of the location of security cameras.
  3. Where possible travel with friends. If you are on your own, consider traveling in the front carriage of the train, near the driver‘s cabin.
  4. Be aware of the red emergency button located near the exits on the train. If you press this button, the train driver will be able to see you via a security camera and organize police assistance if you need it.
  5. Be aware of what is going on around you, especially at night and remember your headphones, mobile phone or too much alcohol can distract you from your surroundings.
  6. Walk confidently and with purpose. Walk with other people. After dark, stick to well-lit paths where you are visible to passing traffic.
  7. If you feel at risk or uncomfortable when walking along the street, cross the street or change direction. Enter a shop or business where you can wait until you feel safe.
  8. In an emergency call 000 for police, fire and ambulance. It is a free call from all public, mobile and land line phones. Program 000 into your mobile just in case!
  9. In non-emergency situations, when you require advice or information about your safety contact the Marriott Academy Student Support Officer, or call in on your local police station.
  10. If you witness or have knowledge about a crime, incident or offence, you can report it anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Need Help with Your Studies

You should have informed Marriott Academy of any special learning challenges or needs when submitting your enrolment application. If you experience any difficulties with your coursework, your trainer should be your first point of contact for assistance. If in the case where your trainer cannot assist you they will advise you regarding the most appropriate service and/or resource that may be of assistance to you, or refer you to the Marriott Academy Student Support Officer. If you have special needs you may be able to negotiate alternative learning and assessment strategies, where this is allowable under meeting the course requirements.

Melbourne Climate

Melbourne has a temperate climate with cold winters and hot summers.



December - February


March - May


June - August


September - November

About Melbourne

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